
Hi! I'm Rancy D’Souza

Blogger| YouTuber| Mom| Food Safety Expert| Nature-lover

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience about living a healthy life naturally, raising self-reliant and happy kids, and tips to care for your overall wellbeing by managing stress, choosing a healthy lifestyle, and embracing life.

I am an expert in food safety, and also have experience working in a research laboratory and the education sector. 


mindful parenting

5 Ways To Practice Mindful Parenting

If you’re looking forward to creating a calm environment to raise your child with a mindful approach, it is time for you to embrace mindful parenting ideas and manage your stress better, without losing your calm. Do you find it difficult to control your anger or frustration when you react

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morning rush

Prioritizing Values in Modern Families

The decisions we make in life, the directions we choose to follow, and the lifestyle we become a part of, are all influenced by the values we live by and believe in. Having a clear understanding of values plays a huge role in our behavior and the path we follow

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5 Tips To Communicate Without Offending People

How you say what you’ve got to say can either help you connect with people or destroy the connection. The way you communicate has an impact on the tone of the environment that you are in. Communicating in a tone that triggers people to react out of fear/anger/hurt doesn’t bring

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Molly Translantic
Molly Translantic Trans Fats in your Food
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This was so useful to read and is definitely an area I need to work on. I've made a lot of positive dietary changes over the last year but I am always looking to learn more about how I can improve this and feel the benefits of fueling my body with good, healthy food. Thanks for this!
The Wellbeing Blogger
The Wellbeing BloggerDoes Anger Control You?
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Great call. Sometimes people are so afraid of recognizing, dealing and assuming they experience anger. It is a human emotion. What we do is what matters most. Learning more about anger and its different expressions has been a huge game-changer for me. Thank you for your sharing.
Mthobisi Magagula
Mthobisi Magagula14 thoughts on “Personal Credibility Matters
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Interesting and thought provoking blog post Rancy. I enjoyed reading this article and in a way it does make you think about life and how you see yourself. Personal credibility is for everyone and I myself do believe I am reliable and I try to live by my values and stick to the good in a world that is bad and dangerous. Focusing on your goals is hard in today’s busy world due to social media, finances, doubt and fear. Fear holds a lot back but it is all about how passionate you are in whatever you do
Sweet Recovery
Sweet Recovery Trans Fats in your Food
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This is a valuable, educational post. I read an article some years ago about all the trans fat in processed food. I’d been using vegetable oil but switched to extra virgin olive oil. Over the years, we stopped buying baked goods, and boxed stuff like macaroni & cheese, and switched snacking to trail mixes. Last year, switched to a more Mediterranean diet. We are both retired so we have the time to make homemade bread, scones, and cakes.