10 Healing Foods For Recovery

healing foods

Certain food helps our body recover well from the effects of stress, injury, or illness. There are several healing foods in nature that have some healing properties and work wonders on our health when consumed in the right amount. They can soothe your symptoms and help you feel better.

Knowing these healing properties could help you make use of such healing foods and recover better, as consuming health-promoting food is essential for quick healing.

What are healing foods?

Recovering from a health crisis could seem a daunting process. There are certain foods that help boost your immunity, energy and improve your overall health due to their nutritional profile.

Making such healing foods an important part of your diet could change your life positively, helping you heal through food.

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One of the crucial factors to focus on during your recovery from any illness is nutrition, which helps you fight infections, recover better, and maintain good energy levels.

Instead of grabbing food that you crave during the recovery period, opt healing foods that will keep you from chances of infections and help you attain quick recovery.

Fresh leafy greens

leafy greens
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Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, watercress, Swiss chard, lettuce, parsley, basil, and many others are highly nutritious as they are loaded with vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. Eating a variety of them regularly as a part of your meals enhances your immune function, improves wound healing, and decreases inflammation.


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Edible mushrooms are a low-calorie food, loaded with antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. They have anti-inflammatory properties, boost the immune system and promote health. Mushrooms are easy to prepare and including them in the diet as healing foods, will help you strengthen your immunity and fight diseases.


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Yogurt is rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins, and probiotics/good bacteria. It strengthens bones, hydrates your body, promotes gut health, improves immune function, and eases gastrointestinal problems. To avoid the sugar content, prefer plain yogurt over flavored yogurt.


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Avocados are highly nutritious as they contain healthy fats, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They support digestive health, promote heart health, and contain anti-inflammatory compounds. They are versatile and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes such as salads, spreads, smoothies, and many other recipes.


Fruit mix
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Berries are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They promote heart health, eye health, skin health, and reduce inflammation. Berries help manage diabetes and blood pressure levels. They prevent constipation and promote gut health. Use them in salads, smoothies, toppings, or eat them as a snack.


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Carrots are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and carbohydrates. They promote digestive health, wound healing, vision, and immune function. They are versatile and can be eaten raw, steamed, roasted, grilled, boiled, or can be added to soups and stews.

Dried fruits

dry fruits
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Dried fruits are packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and antioxidants. They improve digestion, boost energy, improve immunity and promote bone, heart, and skin health. They make a healthy and delicious snack and can be eaten raw or as a part of smoothies, milkshakes, and energy balls. Plain dry fruits are healthier than salted or glazed ones.


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Papaya contains vitamins, antioxidants, carbohydrates, minerals, and dietary fiber. It promotes eye health, skin health, hair health, bone health, and digestion. Papaya aids in reducing inflammation, promotes wound healing, and prevents constipation.



Wholegrains such as oats, brown rice, barley, quinoa and wheat are rich in vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals whereas refined grains are stripped of valuable nutrients during the refining process.

Regular intake of wholegrains can lower inflammation.


boiled eggs
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Eggs contain a significant amount of essential nutrients that boost immunity, help in healing and reduce a wide range of deficiencies.

Making these natural healing foods a part of your diet will nourish you with nutrients and natural compounds that are needed for optimal health, energy, and immunity which enables recovery from illness and stress.

Combined with regular medications as advised by doctors, a nutritious diet containing healing foods helps in speedy recovery and maintaining good health.

Which are the healing foods you prefer when recovering after illness? Do share in comments.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Priti

    Very excellent article on useful natural food which are full of vitamins or minerals thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      I’m glad to know that you liked the post.
      You’re welcome.🙂

      1. Priti

        Thank you 💝 God bless you 🙂🙂

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