What are your priorities as a parent?

A lot has changed in our lives over the pandemic period. It has affected the way we think, the way we plan, the way we work, and the way we live. Has it changed our priorities too? Do we still have the same priorities in daily life or have we realized that there are things we didn’t consider a priority earlier, are actually important in life?

I’ve learned through experiences and examples that life can change in the blink of an eye. Though I could never imagine how life is going to be in this unpredictable period, life has been in its own way, teaching me to stay strong, hope for the best, and remain calm. It is not in giving up easily or getting overwhelmed that we get stronger and resilient, but in not losing our inner peace and having faith even during unexpected situations, that we learn to embrace life with all that it brings our way.

As a parent, teaching your child to face challenges and make the best use of every opportunity that life brings, helps your child grow with confidence and hope. It instills positivity and an optimistic attitude in the child. In this digital age and busy world, do we still consider this as our priority? Don’t we sometimes feel that there are things that are much more important and urgent and our children can still wait to spend time with us, but the present moment has to be occupied with an important phone call, a meeting, or completing a pending task? Do we set aside time for our children in our daily life or do we think that the weekend is the only time we can be there for them?

It is time to realize that, the pandemic not only affected our minds and thoughts but has also had an impact on children. There is so much that they have to share and open up about. Their little minds have many questions, experiences, and feelings to tell about. They desire to spend time with parents and friends, to be taught how to handle the difficult situations they go through and to be understood and heard. Can we make some time daily to just talk to our kids, to know what is on their minds, and to just let them know that their feelings matter? Is this not our priority as parents?

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