You must have met people who are both intelligent and wise. To go about life with the right balance, it is crucial to have both intelligence and wisdom. But there are many of us with great intellect but without deep insight or good judgment. Thinking logically alone can’t guarantee a good outcome in certain situations. When wisdom and intelligence are aligned, you acquire the ability to see the bigger picture and make better decisions.
Many a time we tend to ignore wise decisions and give importance solely to logical thinking. Although going by the intellect is necessary for life, is it not equally important to go by just judgment and choose what is right or true? Combining knowledge with experience and applying both in any situation, helps you grow through life and see better outcomes in different areas of life.
In a world of diverse viewpoints and varying opinions, managing to find a balance between your interests and the interests of others, needs strategies that are wisdom-related. As you grow through life, wisdom helps you understand what to choose and what to avoid from the vast ideas that you have on your mind in any situation.

What’s Wisdom?
It is not enough to merely know something. You must have a good understanding too. It is necessary to cultivate the habit of looking at a situation in more than one dimension so that you get some clarity before jumping to a conclusion. Although we have the urge to share our logical thinking or experiences with people around us and advise them, we sometimes end up making mistakes when it comes to important decisions in our own lives. The key to better understanding and logic is to be open to learning in life, be it from our own experience or others, as well as from books or other sources of knowledge.
To be wise is much more than having a high IQ. The kind of decisions you take amid the storms of life or the ability to stay focused with the right perspective when things go haywire depends on the wisdom that you’ve gained in life. To grow in wisdom day by day, one needs to work on personal growth and clarity of mind.

Set aside your pride and start learning life lessons be it from your mistakes or the stories shared by others. Focus better on your routine, actions, and decisions, instead of focusing on the lives of others, which seems to be more interesting. Reflect at times on what you do and how you go about in not-so-good situations. Do not forget to make time for self-care that will help you take care of your overall well-being, which is essential for maintaining a balance in life.
How do you think intellect is different from wisdom? Do share your opinion in the comments.
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