Being real or putting on a mask?

Though not often, at times you must have met people who make you feel so good with their kindness, and charm, only to know later that these gestures were temporary or not real and they don’t prefer treating people with the same kindness at all times, rather they fake it and give you a wrong impression about themselves. It would not be a surprise if they do not remember you, the next time you meet them or pretend to have forgotten you!

Have you met people with such fake personalities? Is it difficult to be ‘you’ in the world around you or is it comfortable to hide your true self and stay behind a mask impersonating who you are not? It is crucial to be careful what you choose to show people, for you tend to become what you pretend to be in the long run and it could be too late when you realize how far you’ve come with the mask on.

Having a fear of being rejected could be one of the many reasons for people to hide their identity. It is imperative that we keep growing in life, every day with new experiences and challenges. Hiding your real self will never help you grow into a better version of yourself. When you believe that certain values are essential for building trust in relationships, do not fake them, rather practice those values in daily life and make them a part of your life. This will make it possible for you to have confidence in yourself and be real, but not be inclined toward negativity.

Accepting our flaws and working on the areas of ourselves that need to be focused upon, gives us a chance to live a better life and have better relationships. Cultivating good habits and behavior is not a difficult task. It needs courage and patience. When you deceive people with your mask it has a negative impact on your life too. It becomes difficult for you to express yourself and be ‘you’. The real you stays hidden and eventually, it could bring you unhappiness and guilt.

How can we build good relationships by being ourselves and not pretending to be who we are not? Do share your views/opinions in the comments.

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