12 Useful Cooking Safety Tips

While we are all aware of the basic safety rules in the kitchen, it is also true that ignoring these measures while cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires. Not being alert while in the kitchen can lead to burns, injuries, and scalds by coming in contact with hot objects, chemicals, or electricity.

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Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

These 12 tips will help you ensure that you and your family stay safe while cooking at home.

  • Use microwave-safe food containers while heating in the microwave.
  • Don’t leave the kitchen when the stove is on. Unattended cooking may cause a fire. If you need to leave the kitchen while something is in the making, turn the burner off.
  • Don’t heat oil at high temperatures, to avoid overheating of oil that leads to fire.
  • Clean cooking surfaces regularly to prevent food and grease build-up.
  • Avoid long sleeves and loose clothing as they can catch on fire easily. Clothes with fitted or short sleeves are best while in the kitchen.
  • Always stir away from your body so that you don’t get splashed by bubbling liquids in the pan.
  • Open hot containers away from you, so that the steam escapes from the side farthest away from you. Remember, steam exposure can result in serious burns.
  • Keep your kitchen equipment’s clean, as any food deposits left uncleaned can catch on fire.
  • To avoid hot pots from falling off the stove by running into the handles, ensure pot handles do not extend past the stove top.
  • Store knives, sharp objects, lighters, and matchboxes safely, and out of reach of children.
  • Slippery floors could lead to accidents. Keep the kitchen floor dry by cleaning spills immediately.
  • Avoid keeping flammable materials such as paper towels, kitchen towels, or pot holders, too close to the stove.

Not paying attention to the precautions while cooking especially when you are in a hurry, can cause accidents or fires. Securing the safety of yourself and your loved ones is a personal duty that extends to various aspects of your culinary endeavors. Embracing prudent cooking practices not only fortifies your well-being in the kitchen but also contributes to the overall enjoyment of your home-cooked meals.

By cultivating a mindful and informed approach to culinary activities, you not only promote a safer home environment but also elevate the pleasure derived from the delightful meals you create for yourself and your family.

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