Dear Woman, Know Your Strength!!


A strong woman knows who she is. Her mindset and behavior align with her values and beliefs, making her unapologetically authentic.

Being empowered by strong women in my life, I have learned throughout my journey that a woman can be elegant and strong at the same time.

While a woman goes through many challenges with every new phase of life, her strength is renewed with every challenge she overcomes.

Your inner strength and resilience could help you empower women around you and help them grow stronger from within.

The strength of a woman

Photo by CoWomen on

Having inner strength doesn’t necessarily signal that you aren’t kind or polite. Defining strength, beauty, and the art of living as a woman on your own terms, without giving up your faith and values, makes you stronger with each passing day.

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.” –Maya Angelou

A woman’s resilience, perseverance, and endurance give her the power to stand up against all odds and find her purpose.

Dear woman, do not fear your weaknesses, for no woman can be labeled as ‘strong’ or ‘weak,’ as all of us have our own strengths and weaknesses. Rather, embrace your weakness and do not run away from it. Learn at your own pace to turn your weakness into your strength and feel the difference.

Do not quit


When the world doesn’t seem kind, when you do not receive the respect you deserve, when you are not being treated appropriately, when you don’t like the way you are being looked at, when you are ridiculed or judged, when you are not appreciated or recognized, know that you need not blame yourself, but stay strong and do not quit.

You are strong enough to take up challenges; you have the strength within you to move forward, stand up for yourself, face your struggles, and overcome your fears. Unless you permit, nothing and no one can steal your confidence or belittle you.

Do you fear giving voice to your needs and concerns? Do you prefer staying silent when your mind screams that you do not like the way you are treated/looked at/spoken to? Is this choice of yours to stay quiet helping you?

If this silence is ruining your peace, forgive yourself for not opening up and bring about the change to make your voice heard. If you do not speak up for yourself, no one else will.

There is courage within you, for God has created you with enormous strength within. Find your inner strength to move forward in life, and do not give up.

Believe in yourself

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

When you do not doubt yourself, you can make your goals happen. Your belief in your abilities helps you make the most of the opportunities you are exposed to.

Beliefs can make a big difference in your life and how you perceive success. It lays the foundation for self-confidence and helps you make better decisions.

Have you felt overwhelmed by challenges because you doubted your ability to overcome them?

Keep yourself motivated and learn from the women who inspire you to keep moving ahead despite the struggles of daily life.

It’s time to unlock your tremendous potential, stand up for your dignity and value, establish boundaries, learn from your mistakes, stop waiting, and start doing. Do not give power to your doubts; rather, believe in your abilities.

You could be one decision away from courage! Do not quit easily, move past your fears, and be courageous.

Happy International Women’s Day! What inspires you to stay strong on your journey as a woman? Do share in the comments.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. cheriewhite

    Very beautifully written! This really hit me in the heart because I was that disrespected and maltreated woman once upon a time. Thank you so much for posting, Rancy! 😍

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      Thank you Cherie!!
      I believe you have grown stronger with time and your struggles haven’t weighed you down.
      Every woman has strength within to overcome her fears and take a stand for her dignity.

  2. This was very encouraging to read and a lovely reminder to trust in ourselves and the value and power we have. Thanks for this!

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      You’re Welcome!
      I’m glad that this post is encouraging and helpful.

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