Kids and choices

In the present times, in anything that you want to buy, eat, wear or watch, there is an enormous variety of choices available, which could either help you in making the right choice or get you confused to an extent that you end up being unsure about what you exactly want to choose. When it’s this difficult for adults to make a choice in today’s world, it’s definitely not easy for our kids. They need to understand the difference between the choices that they have and be able to choose what’s good for them. This can’t happen overnight but needs parental guidance and support.

On the other hand, not giving choices to your child is not going to be helpful as kids need to develop the skill to choose what’s good for them as they grow up. Although it is a challenge for parents when it comes to giving choices, we need to prepare ourselves to come up with smart choices, that are helpful and not harmful to children. In order to prepare our children for adulthood, it is important to equip them with decision-making capabilities. In spite of knowing that you are able to decide what’s best for your children, giving them limited and healthy choices, and letting them go with what they choose among the choices given to them, empowers them.

Before you disclose the choices to your child, keep these important points in mind, that will help you give choices effectively and avoid any negative impact:

  • Avoid giving a choice that you won’t be fine with if your child goes for it. This will cause stress to you and the child or even lead you into forcing your own decision.
  • Do not give too many choices, as it would cause the child to get overwhelmed and end up getting dissatisfied, and keep second guessing his/her decision.
  • If you have given safe choices, allow your child to make mistakes and learn from the mistakes as long as what he/she opts for doesn’t lead to any serious trouble. This will help the child make a better decision next time.
  • Don’t focus entirely on the outcome, instead encourage your child toward problem-solving and decision-making.

Remember that choices don’t have to be limitless. It helps kids know that their opinion matters, but doesn’t take away your authority as a parent.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nausheen

    Thank you Rancy
    This is really helpful.

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      You’re welcome Nausheen!!
      I’m glad to know that you found my post helpful.

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