3 Ways To Deal With Mom Stress

Mom stress

On her journey of raising children, a mother deals with many daily stressors. Mom stress when not dealt with at the initial stage, could lead to burnout and anxiety issues. Although moms are good jugglers when managing unending tasks such as cleaning, cooking, feeding kids, office work, and everyday decision-making, the silent stress that elevates with every passing day, could take a toll on their mental and physical health.

Have you seen mothers who try to balance work and family, getting irritated and frustrated often? Often, the struggle to find a balance in life and handle everything with perfection makes mom stress so evident that the bond between moms and kids gets damaged due to the daily stress.

Photo by Jep Gambardella on Pexels.com

The bond between a mother and her children is precious. Motherhood surely is rewarding and it brings joy, love, and laughter to life. On the journey of motherhood, as a woman encounters mom stress when everyday tasks and responsibilities seem overwhelming and take away her energy to enjoy life, she is unable to bond well with her family and finds no time to take care of herself. Here are ways to identify stressors and deal with them before they impact your life negatively.

Dealing with mom stress

Managing time

Is making time to simply spend some moments playing with kids, taking care of your plants/pets, talking to your spouse, or self-care on your mind for weeks? Do you feel that there’s not enough time to do what you have been longing for?

mom and child
Photo by Lauren Brown on Pexels.com

With a never-ending to-do list, when you feel overwhelmed and exhausted, self-care becomes a distant dream and stress takes control of your behavior and thoughts. To tackle this stressor, it is necessary to get your priorities right. Take a moment to reflect on what needs your attention and time the most and work on your to-do list based on your priorities.

You will then know that not everything needs your attention. Some things can be let go of. This will make time for you to do what you’ve been longing for. You will have some moments of me-time, moments to laugh with your husband and kids, and a sound sleep without going through frustration or anxiety due to mom stress.


Being content from within helps you take better care of your family. Do not wait until you get completely drained of all your energy, to get some rest, nourish yourself, or unwind.

calm mind

Self-care is something that promotes your overall well-being. It supports your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental health. Talking a few minutes to read your favorite book, meditate, take a shower, take a nap, or go out for a walk could seem like a simple activity, but contributes enormously to your well-being.

Make self-care a priority and it will bring joy in your daily life, making you feel lighter, brighter, and relieved of mom stress.

Healthy boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries helps reduce unnecessary mental load and creates a calmer environment. Does mom guilt come in your way of setting boundaries? You must know that boundaries are not intended to damage your relationships, but to help you take care of yourself, which enables you to take care of your family.

morning rush
Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels.com

Make time to check with yourself to be aware of how well are you nourishing yourself. Have you been running around all day and need to rest? Are you feeling hungry and what are you going to eat? Will you just grab something from the fridge or are you craving a nutritious meal?

Making time for all these basic things is possible only when you can have some healthy boundaries and can say ‘no’ gently and kindly to your spouse, kids, colleagues, or friends when their expectations are far beyond your capacity to deliver and you’re getting drained.

When you’ve just reached home after a hectic day and your friend calls you up, learn to politely let them know, that you’re tired and will return the call some other day.

When your child is running around in the kitchen while you’re cooking and you are not able to focus, giving your child some activity and reminding them that it’s not okay to run in the kitchen as you cook, helps you cook without being disturbed or anxious.

When you need to take a shower and your husband promises to take care of the baby, if a friend rings in ask your spouse to wait until you are back after your shower.

Be polite and set your boundaries, to stay healthy, happy, and relieved of mom stress.

Do you agree that mom stress affects many moms and needs to be dealt with? Do share in the comments.

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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Lisa's Notebook

    Mum stress is real and I will die on that hill! Seriously though, to do lists and offloading jobs where I can does help a lot.

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      Thank you for sharing your ideas to deal with mom stress.
      Yes, mom stress is real and needs to be dealt with.

  2. I can imagine that any mums reading this will find it very validating and helpful. This was a great insight into the stress involved. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      Thank you!

  3. I’m a first-time mom to a 7.5-month-old baby, and mom stress is so different than work/personal stress, in my opinion! It took me months to accept that I can’t get everything done while my partner is still at work, and for the things that can be done, assessing the priorities helps. I recently started prioritizing working out for at least 20 minutes daily to help with stress and prevent a sore and achy back!

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      Thank you for sharing your experience.
      Assessing priorities is crucial to what needs your attention and what doesn’t.
      Making time for self-care keeps you refreshed and relieves mom stress.

  4. Karalee

    I’m a mom and my partner is also on sick leave, so I’ve been especially feeling stressed lately. This post is a great reminder that it’s important to take time for me.

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      Mom stress needs to be dealt with, so that it doesn’t take a toll on your mental or physical health.
      I’m glad this post reminded you to prioritize time for self-care.

  5. Louna

    I really agree with many points in this post! Although I’m not a mother, I am a foster carer/ guardian to my nieces and nephew and mom / carer stress is a very real thing that can be super difficult to deal with. The points you’ve made are super helpful for many. Thank you for sharing 🙂

    Louna x

    1. Rancy D'Souza

      Thank you!
      Yes, mom/caretaker stress is real. I’m glad you found these tips helpful.

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